The beloved app Hero of the Kingdom series is back, bringing with it a new installment for your fantasy journey through highs and lows in the form of Hero of the Kingdom: Tales 3, and the dark journey awaits you from developer Lonely Troops. You will encounter great enemies as a noble hero, navigate complex puzzles, and join forces with mythic companions! A bunch of other titles are getting sequels, but this one will not leave the top of the list.
The stakes are high in Hero of the Kingdom: Tales 3 — players take on a world descending into chaos. All this, and dark forces are coming to cover the land, but only you can stop them and unite your troops. It features an intriguing story that keeps the players on their toes through its twists and turns opening through its start to end. You can also customize your character and explore a variety of environments as you making your way through the game and gain new abilities.
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-License: Free
-Mod: Paid
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